Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Shopping, Easter Crafts, Easter Treats, Easter Fun!

Hope you're all having a wonderful Easter with your loved ones and that the Easter Bunny has been generous to you this year!  (◕‿◕✿)

Over the next two days I will be sharing with you some of my Easter goodies and crafts, as well as an 'Easter Look' I've been working on. If I have some time, I'll try to make a little Easter sketch too. 

Also - tonight is the big night for the contest draw! Wahoo!

So without further ado, I present to you:

PART 1 - SHOP like a fool

I basically raided my local dollar store for treats and art supplies. 

I love chocolate - a LOT - but I seriously don't know what I'm going to do with all of this.
Looks like I will have to have some friends over to chow down.

Cadbury Mini Eggs - a crucial component in Easter fun

Mmm mini chocolate cupcakes with pastel pink frosting. Yum!

Easter crafts, faux flowers, chicks, eggs, and more!
Glitter Egg decorations
Beautiful faux flower Orchids

And finally, some classy photos from forever ago, with me and Lisa dressed to kill

Stay tuned!


  1. Well now you're just making me hungry for more chocolate! hehe.. cute faerie-full goodness there! Thanks for stopping by our nest ;o)
    needle and nest design

    1. Easter treats are the best (only to be rivaled with the Christmas stocking). :P

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Heisann!

    Wonderful, colorful post ;:OD)

    Easter has passed .... and on Sunday I hope you will join the Blogger's Sunday Walk.

    1. Thank you! I will have to try for the next bloggers walk, as I missed this one D:


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