Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Gatekeeper's Secret

Hello folks!

Here's some shots of my latest painting, 'The Gatekeeper's Secret', one out of a series of five illustrations with the theme 'secret'. 

I inked out this drawing at an anime convention about a year ago, and had this piece just sitting about, waiting to be finished. I was looking at it a couple days ago, and realized that it fit my secrets theme really well, and decided to finish it and make it the first piece!

I'm thinking about using the theme of windows (into magical, mysterious worlds), and roses, as imagery that connects all five pieces together, but we'll see! It all depends on where my muse takes me. 

I hope you love this piece, and enjoy looking at the 'in the studio' photos. :)


  1. All the art you feature and do is just lovely, great blog(:

    1. Aww well thanks :D Glad you're enjoying it all! :)


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