Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Oil Paintings on wood, artwork in progress

Hey everybody!

I've been busy painting away, staying up really strange hours (went to bed at 10 am, got up at 4pm, lol I must be crazy haha), and just generally being productive.

One of my paintings, 'Secret Diary' is taking a damned long time to finish. I'm actually really loving this piece (which is a relief because I had to struggle through an awful ugly phase for a while there). The main reason why it's taking so long to finish is because I'm only working on it when I can record the process, so that I can make another video for guys on youtube. Buuuuut I don't always feel like painting at my desk where the tripod is set up, so I tend to avoid working on a piece for too long if I have to work there. I prefer to have my artwork in my lap.... maybe I'll try doing a video from that vantage point next time, haha!?

Anyway, here's a few progress shots of that one:

When I take breaks from paint 'Secret Diary', I've taken to dabbling with oils. :)

Annnd finally, a larger wip, that's just at the beginning stages. 

Thanks for stopping by! Wish me luck with these pieces (I'll need it, haha!) :)


  1. luck has nothing to do with it ;) i think its looking awesome my dear, keep up the great work its going to be a fab collection :D

  2. Sasha you are so talented, I can see how much love and detail you put into your art work, so beautiful;)


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